New single ‘Solidarity’ premieres at UN General Assembly Week
‘Solidarity’ by members of SEMA – the Global Survivors Network for Ending Wartime Sexual Violence – was written and recorded with support from Make Music Matter in The Hague at a retreat hosted by the Mukwege Foundation in June 2022.
The song premiered at an exclusive Make Music Matter USA event with Dr. Denis Mukwege in New York and was shared with the international community at a Global Survivors Fund event on conflict-related sexual violence, co-hosted by Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly.
Don’t use my body to fight
Children are the seeds
Parents are the leaves
The nation is the tree
We need solidarity
(Lyrics from ‘Solidarity’ by SEMA)
The song ‘serves as a collective memory to advocate for recognition, reparations, and justice for survivors while also asking all of us to stand with survivors in solidarity.’
‘Solidarity’ was produced by the Make Music Matter team and members of A4A’s community of mixing and mastering engineers.
Produced and recorded by Darcy Ataman (Canada)
Edited and produced by Neil Simons, Loren & Mal R (UK)
Produced and directed by DAM / Damião Melo Fernandes at Ritchie Recording (Canada)
Mixed by Robert L. Smith, assisted by Deeba Montazari at Defy Recordings (USA)
Mastered by João Carvalho, assisted by Bryan Lowe and Chris Kung at João Carvalho Mastering (Canada)
Make Music Matter USA hosts Dr. Denis Mukwege at celebration of Healing in Harmony with Panzi Hospital and Foundations
Founder of Panzi Hospital and Nobel laureate Dr. Denis Mukwege joined the Make Music Matter USA Board and supporters at a private event at the Bronx Documentary Center in New York this month.
He spoke of our partnership and the transformative change he has witnessed amongst Healing in Harmony participants, from patients to artists with renewed hope and a sense of agency.
Dr. Mukwege was instrumental in the development of the Healing in Harmony model and we continue to work closely with his team at Panzi to deliver programming as part of their holistic healing framework.
Healing in Harmony highlighted at UNGA among initiatives supporting access to education
Healing in Harmony was in the spotlight last week as part of the UN General Assembly week where Canadian Minister of International Development Harjit Sajjan recognized the achievements of global partnerships in support of the Charlevoix Declaration on Quality Education for Girls, Adolescent Girls and Women.
Our EGAL project (Equality for Girls’ Access to Learning) in partnership with World Vision Canada and funded by Global Affairs Canada has so far served over 2000 girls and young women in the Kasaï region of Democratic Republic of Congo. Healing in Harmony is helping to address the psychosocial barriers they face including stigma and other trauma related to gender-based violence.
More on Healing in Harmony in Kasaï, DRC: A Journey to Hope: Sarah’s Story