“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”
– Elizabeth Andrew
Make Music Matter was built on the dedication of a team of volunteers. Our work continues to be made possible by individuals who go above and beyond to make a positive difference in the lives of others. We are grateful every day for their contributions.
This Q&A is part of a series that puts the spotlight on members of Make Music Matter’s volunteer team.
Meet Carrie Armitage – a producer, arranger, musician, and consultant who volunteers as a mixing engineer for Make Music Matter and A4A Music. She’s one of dozens of professionals who donate their time to elevate the voices of Healing in Harmony artists.
Can you share a bit about your journey with our organization?
Looking back at my records it looks like the first mix I did for Make Music Matter (MMM) was ‘Maisha Mapya’ by Cohorte Héroïque out of the eastern DRC, produced by Janvier Mushagalusa Mihigo. That was April 2022.
What initially drew you to get involved as a volunteer with MMM?
It seemed like such a great opportunity to contribute in a very special way. I think sometimes, in this industry, we all have moments where we wonder why we do what we do. Working with MMM clears up those questions for me. I see all my work differently now.
What has been the most interesting or impactful project you’ve worked on with MMM?
All the projects are impactful, they are all special, healing, groundbreaking. I believe when I personally felt the most impacted was when we brought this work into Canada. Then it became relatable, and I felt I had a stake in the outcome. Very important work for all Canadians. That first project was from the Naskwahamâtowin project, a collective of Indigenous youth called Nikamo, produced by Cindy Paul.
How has volunteering as a producer/engineer impacted you personally or professionally?
This is grounding work; you can’t really compare this work to a regular day in the studio. This project has a depth to it, it requires a different kind of attention and investment. It fostered in me a desire to contribute more in these ways, using music as outreach.
What is one professional goal you’d like to achieve within the next year?
I have just completed the debut album for my new project, The Carrie Armitage Quartet. This is a fusion project that has rattled my mixing skills over the past couple of years. I’m looking forward to releasing that this spring – and getting some sunshine on my face!

For those considering volunteering with our organization in a similar role, what advice or insights would you offer based on your experiences?
Any kind of volunteering has intrinsic benefits. If you are looking for an organization that is using science-based evidence for healing trauma, using the magic of music and creativity to partner with marginalized groups and lift them up – this is a wonderful opportunity. You will not see the world, or the work you do, the same way after contributing and seeing the results.